Top AI tool of the week :)

Hey Insightful Futurist!

Everyone’s talking about this new tool called gumloop… but what is it? And how can you use it to supercharge your success?

It’s software to help you build AI automation for software like google docs, sheets, and more.

It can also automate processes for your business.


Gumloop started as a small side project in a Discord community.

Just a bunch of people who were tired of doing the same old digital tasks and thought, "Hey, why not let AI handle this?"

The earliest version?

A basic UI wrapper slapped onto AutoGPT, an autonomous agent framework.

Nothing fancy, but it got the job done.

That was before they decided to go all in and build their own automation framework.

Yeah, they got serious real quick.

Now, Gumloop lets users automate workflows by connecting everything—Google Sheets, Slack, YouTube, websites, emails—you name it.

You just give it instructions, like telling Gumloop to find PDFs in your email and extract invoice info into a Google Sheet.

It’s like having a personal assistant that doesn’t complain.

They’ve even got workflow templates to get you started, whether you need to prep for a meeting or turn a YouTube transcript into a blog post.

Gumloop is here to make sure you’re not wasting time on the boring stuff.

I played around with it and here’s what I learned:

  1. They have great starter tutorials: (it’s built keeping in mind that the person using it is a no-code background

    Lots of tutorials in easy to digest format

    Guides on how to get started

    They show you how to run a simple automation here:

  2. I got it to web-scrape the name of my website. It really is a powerful tool that can save people from doing boring tasks 😀 

Here’s a basic tutorial!

That’s it for this week’s most interesting tool!

I have a full list of cool tools, feel free to send me an email back so that I know this is valuable for you guys (I’ll also send you my secret list). I actually respond to all emails!

Have a great week,
